Assimilating a Database for a Large Bulk Carrier
A large bulk carrier closed an acquisition that required assimilation of the acquired company's TMW database into the live database of the acquiring company.
GLCS performed shadow and remote visits during the business process assessment (BPA) at the acquired company to determine the user experience's strengths with the software. We completed a BPA report outlining all differences in processes at the acquired company from the acquiring company. A detailed project was created that shared the work between GLCS and the acquiring company resources to execute the project. A test environment was set up, and the work was completed, including user acceptance testing (UAT). After client UAT was confirmed, the acquired company began operations in the acquiring company’s environment.
We assimilated the acquired company’s database into the acquiring company’s database, which resulted in no downtime for any users. During the discovery phase of the BPA, process efficiencies were found that would benefit both companies. These efficiencies provided a return on investment for the cost of the project. The efficiencies discovered allowed users at both companies to reduce their time on various daily/weekly/monthly processes, creating more throughput for the combined companies' combined operations.